Quick Breakfast —Triple Berry Protein Smoothie

Good morning my loves and happy Tuesday! I’m happy to be back in the blogging sphere. What has been going on in your real life? I think I accidentally abandoned the blog during this social media hiatus and Geeshian was not afraid to remind me.

Geeshian: why’d you stop blogging?

Jasmine: I haven’t stopped blogging….I just posted in Apr…. damn.. it’s been that long?

Not only that, but a few things have been going on at work and it has grabbed a lot more of my attention lately.

People quitting. People getting fired.

So, the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy. More like playing catch up and adjusting to the new work load. I’ve also been working out about 3-4 days a week now, thanks to the Nike Training app. I’ll elaborate more on that in the next post.

This morning, I completed my Body Weight Benchmark. It’s the start of my next 4-week program and evaluates where I am physically so that the app can adjust my workouts based on my performance.

After my workout, I decided to turn my parfait into a smoothie. Usually, I’d settle for Geeshian’s peanut butter and banana protein shake concoction , but I decided to shake things up. New energy, new recipe.


Servings: about 2

  • 1 – Medium Organic Banana, peeled
  • 3 – Small Handfuls of Berries, blueberries, strawberries & blackberries, preferably frozen
  • 1 – Scoop of Vanilla Protein
  • 1- Cup of Almond Milk
  • 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Yogurt, Organic
  • 1 – Teaspoon of Honey, optional


Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Smoothie will be thick but pourable.

At home: enjoy in a glass with a straw or pour into a bowl for a hearty smoothie bowl. Top with more berries, coconut shavings, granola, etc.

On-the-go: pour smoothie into glass mason jar and enjoy with straw.

Color will vary based on the amount & colors of berries used. Feel free to add leafy greens like spinach for added natural minerals.

Let me know in the comments below if you try this smoothie and share some of your favorites!

Peace & Love,


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