This post is NOT sponsored by Smile Direct Club and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Happy Thursday lovely beings.
I am currently participating in a consistency challenge where we have to blog every day through the month of July. I found out about the challenge fairly last minute and did not have the time to prewrite and schedule posts as I would have in the past, however, I am getting back into the groove of creating content. I have missed writing and getting my thoughts out of my mind and onto “paper”. So much has happened over the last 18 months and I am excited to share all the good things with you all. I’ll do that throughout this challenge.
The first thing that happened during the summer of 2019 was I made a huge career change. I left the insurance industry and became a 4th Grade Reading Teacher! Talk about a complete 180. I absolutely love teaching and hate that our school year was cut short due to Covid-19, and now we do not know when or how we’ll return to school, but so far, our district has made a point that they want everyone safe. Right now, they are saying a full virtual start to the school year due to increasing numbers here in Georgia.
Another change that happened coming into 2020 was I joined Smile Direct Club. I’d been telling my husband how I wanted to get braces to fix my smile and he gifted me SDC for Christmas. The process was very smooth and it was pretty easy to sign up. I went into a local office for a 3D scan and within 3-4 days I had a detailed analysis of how they could help me achieve closing my gap and straightening my smile.

We decided to go with the monthly payment option and I received my box on January 11th. I chose the night time retainers to wear for 10 continuous hours versus the 22 continuous hour option. As a teacher, I thought it would be pretty gross to have to remove my retainers at lunch and put them back in. So far, I am loving the process and have seen tremendous change in my smile since starting 6 months ago.
Being on the night time routine, I wear the same retainers for 2-weeks before changing them out for a new pair. Just like any other form of correction, you will experience pain when switching to a new set of trays, but it tends to subside within a couple days. What I like about SDC is that they send everything to you at once in a big purple box. Included in the box is whitening gel, chapstick, all of your trays, a file (you’d use this to file down the trays to prevent damage to your gums), and pamphlets that explain how to move throughout your process.

My only grievance with SDC was that my account had not been connected to me. I was constantly receiving promotional emails as if I had not signed up and been paying for my treatment. I called the customer service line and explained to the representative what was going on and they fixed it in no time.
I would recommend Smile Direct Club if you are disciplined to wear your retainers every evening. I have definitely skipped many nights, but for the most part, I’ve been very diligent with remembering to wear them. I would not recommend this treatment for a child or irresponsible teenager. You’d be wasting money if you want to see results within the time frame they give you at your appointment. As of today, I am on a 12 month plan and I’m only one week behind schedule, but this was due to one of my trays cracking during install and I decided to wear it for a week longer to be sure it did what it needed to do.
There are other companies out there like Invisalign and Candid that offer a similar product. I recommend doing your research and choosing what’s best for your budget, that’s what it came down to for me.
Let me know in the comments if you use or have used Smile Direct Club and what was your experience with them.